Soul Path and Purpose

When RESISTANCE No Longer Stops You in Your Tracks

When RESISTANCE No Longer Stops You in Your Tracks

On the Road to INDOMITABLE, resistance is bound to come up. Creating new habits and mindsets is scary, after all, to our ego selves trying to keep us safe. It’s normal. It’s also unnecessary. Here’s how to conquer yours.

When your Soul Leads the Way…

When your Soul Leads the Way…

If you follow spiritual literature, you know that becoming heart-centered and Soul-guided leads to unimaginable fulfillment in life and presents opportunities that your poor mind cannot even remotely fathom, with ease and flow. “YES!” you say - “I WANT THAT SUPREME SUCCESS!”

  GREAT! All you need to do is become heart-centered and Soul-guided. “But what does that even mean? And where do I even start?” you may ask. A very good question.

The four key steps are; radical forgiveness, heal and release your anger, shame, guilt, and fear; restore faith and trust in yourself and the Universe; cultivate self-love. And THEN your heart is open enough to welcome in the vulnerability associated with surrender and acceptance of human imperfection in yourself and others, with love and compassion. Yup, it’s a lot.

  For me, in my journey healing from a lifetime of trauma, it has been a pretty long road. I had to forgive myself, my abusers, everyone who bullied or negated me while it was happening, those who could have supported me but didn’t - the “forgive” list went on and on. Then I had to dive deep to restore the trust in myself and in others that so many years of abuse erased. I had already done a great deal of present lifetime healing of lower density emotions (anger, fear, guilt, shame) but there were still energetic signatures present from past lives and both lineages so I needed to dig in deeper on that step. I spent a year focused on the Trust step and then loving myself - well, that is still a work in progress.

  I thank my Creator that I found my spiritual path and developed such a close connection to my Higher self and my Spirit Team. The love and support that I felt during the years I was doing this work was nothing like I had ever experienced before. And this connection just keeps growing stronger. As it does, the higher heart frequencies of love, compassion, empathy, acceptance, openness become much easier to embody. My self-confidence is unshakeable, and I no longer worry about the future. I am able to maintain an unflappable inner peace, and I am no longer triggered or reactionary to situations or the emotions of others.  I LOVE this State of Being, and choose to live in this level of consciousness at all times. I know that the Universe has “this or something better” in store and I am now in a place where I accept and trust that it will be AH-MAZE-ING.   

  If you would like to come home to your own beautiful heart and need support in any or all of the four key steps above, drop me a note or set up a no-obligation call. I felt very alone in my journey, but you do not need to. Having the right support, knowledge, and tools can help accelerate the journey.  And I am here to tell you, it is BEAUTIFUL on the other side of the darkness.  Won’t you come join me here?


Entanglements and How to Disengage from Them

There are several types of Entanglements that can block or hold us back from experiencing a fulfilling and joyful life. You’re familiar with this hit list I’m sure:

·         The family argument that comes up Every. Single. Time everyone gets together and just never seems to get put to bed

·         The boss or co-worker who just can’t seem to get enough of you and keeps demanding more of your work, time, attention, or energy

·         The “friend” who takes you for granted and doesn’t seem to realize that friendship is a two-way street

·         The bully who keeps coming back to dish out more of their unique blend of grief and aggravation

·         The dynamic with a parent or other loved one that is a constant power play for control or for “keeping the upper hand”

·         The co-worker or friend who always seems to be in competition with you even when you’re not competing, and always has to “one-up” you in everything or tries to make you look bad to others

These situations are draining, and can suck the very life out of you at the low impact end of the energy spectrum and on the high impact end of the energy spectrum can become the source of stress, worry, depression, anxiety, and sleeplessness. Fortunately, we have various ways to deal with these circumstances in this lifetime, and perhaps a friend or “big brother” who can intervene on our behalf.

But did you know we have karmic entanglements to contend with also, from past lifetimes?  These are harder to identify and create similar drains to our energy bodies if they remain unresolved, and can also drive repeating patterns of (unwanted) behavioral responses since they lurk in our subconscious energy body. These influences, when traumatic, are brought forward into the Soul’s current life with the intention to be resolved by healing, for our Soul’s evolution[1]. Here are several typical examples:

·         Karmic complexes of Betrayal, Deception

·         Karmic complexes of Rejection, Denial, Abandonment, and Ostracization

·         Karmic complexes of Suppression, Repression, Oppression, Persecution, Survival fear

·         Karmic complexes of Guilt, Anger, Shame, Hate and the exercise of control through each

The resolution and healing of these complexes frees the Soul and one’s Heart in the present lifetime and returns one closer to a state of “Christed Consciousness” – a love-centric consciousness of compassion, peace, and joy. It also releases the stuck energy body and embedded subconscious belief structure holding the pattern in place, thus allowing a shift in behavior or experience.  This shift is a powerful release of stuck and accumulated energy across lifetimes and literally frees us to experience the world in profoundly different ways.

If you have a repeating pattern in your life (such as always attracting emotionally unavailable men in your relationships, for example) it may be due to an embedded karmic entanglement or even more than one since a “complex’ holds multiple facets.  In some cases it may be enough to become aware of the underlying driver of the pattern in order to consciously shift it by making different choices. In most cases, though, it is more impactful to conduct an energy clearing around it to release it permanently so it does not show up in other ways.

You can find out more about the karmic complexes you have brought into this lifetime by taking advantage of my Evolutionary Report offer. In this report, I have synthesized the interpretations of Soul Astrology, Evolutionary Astrology, Quantum Human Design, and Gene Keys to provide a unique and not-available-anywhere-else synthesis of your unique Soul karma and dharma.  Find out more in my eBook called “What is your Karmic Inheritance and How it May be Impacting you Today.”

If you are not as concerned about knowing the complexes and prefer to cut to the chase in just clearing them, take advantage of my energy healing 3 session package. In each session, we will delve into the three most prevalent karmic complexes that pertain to your unique experience, and clear your current life, past lives, and both maternal and paternal lineages in each one through your Akashic Records and the Lemurian Crystal Chamber of Light for healing. You will retain the gifts and wisdom from these past experiences but will gain the benefit of having released the stuck energy around them, leaving you feeling lighter, more alive, and freed from the fear or other trauma that has been keeping you “entangled” and stuck in these patterns.  Welcome to your liberation!

[1] Excerpted from Understanding Karmic Complexes: Evolutionary Astrology and Regression Therapy; Patricia A. Walsh, The Wessex Astrologer Ltd, 2009

Your Soul Path is Meant to be FUN!

Your Soul Path is meant to be FUN!

I knew this year was MY BIG YEAR and that I would be turning a corner in my life – but had NO IDEA what that would look like, what that meant, and what would be the practical steps that I would need to take to get there – this is very much the nature of living In Flow with Divine Guidance!  I did my annual life visioning review, set my 2021 theme (“Sovereignty”), and embarked on my journey.

If you’re familiar with my Life Visioning process (check it out here if you’re not), you know I track my year’s progression through establishing a key intent, theme, or Big Goal for it. This practice keeps the vision for my life front and center. In 2021, my Key Intention is to “Delight in the experience of my own Sovereignty” and it has been an ADVENTURE, let me tell you!! Here is my half year check-in:

I have:

  • Cleared lifetimes of trauma from my past lives in my Akashic records (I feel 200 pounds lighter!);

  • Learned how to read the Akashic Records – and to re-write them! (You really ARE the Creator of your own reality!)

  • Connected more deeply to my Intuition, Guides and Spirit Team (AA Michael says he is “my BFF”! I have never felt more supported!);

  • Reset my Money Story (the Universe is showing me Prosperity every day!)

  • Been visited by a Green Man (Tree spirit) as I’ve connected more deeply to our beautiful Earth mother (um…never happened before and scared the sh*t outta me! I’m feeling a little bad about it right about now! I think Gaia is laughing at me)

  • Learned how to use shamanic energy practices to shift beliefs, clear energy blocks, heal stuck energy in the body that causes dis-ease/ailments, heal lineage patterns that no longer serve us, and to identify, dislodge, and reset subconscious blocks, resistance, and stories that introduce self-doubt, resistance, and self-sabotage into our experience. (I LOVE this stuff! SO effective! And FAST!)

  • Had conversations with ISIS (have you met her? – she is the BOMB!)

  • Had a sassy water dragon named Seraphia join my Spirit Team to help amplify my heart connection (she is VERY sassy!! It turns out laughter is the secret sauce to the serious business of heart connection amplification)

  • Discovered that I had been a Priestess, leader, shaman, and healer in at least four past lifetimes and on three different celestial planes (how empowering is THAT?!)

  • Completed a certification (woot! woot!)

  • Manifested a new job (I wasn’t even looking for one!)

  • Manifested a new car (finally got my hybrid!)

  • Added feng shui to my home (MUCH easier to stay high vibe now)

…and it’s only halfway through the year! All of this “work” has resulted in a deeper sense of SELF, a deeper connection to the Divine, and a more fulfilling experience in my life. The setbacks I’ve encountered have become a way to bounce forward, not back, and my entire outlook and perspective have shifted positively. Stress is missing from my life, opening up space for greater productivity and enjoyment, and I am filled with inner peace and (dare I say it?) joy.

The key to all of this has been Being Intentional - keeping my Big Goal in front of me and staying attendant to it - and making sure that I remain aligned to my Soul Guidance in every moment. Way too often we get into “check it off the list” mode and we drive by life’s most precious moments at lightwarp speed without looking back! If that had been the operating mode that I was in so far this year, I would not have been hearing the intuitive nudges that led me to each of the amazing growth experiences listed above!

If you’d like to learn more about Living Intentionally and In Flow with your own Divine Guidance, schedule a free Alchemy Call with me here!

Living in Alignment with your Soul's Purpose

I have spoken with many people who feel like they are searching for meaning in their lives. They believe there is more to Life than what they are currently experiencing but don’t know how to connect to it. So they set out on a journey to discover their Soul’s Purpose in this Lifetime so that they can feel more fulfilled, have greater abundance, live with more peace and joy. Yes, it is actually quite possible to discover your own unique Soul Energy Signature, your Soul’s Plan for this lifetime, and the Path that guides you on your Soul’s intended journey. Interestingly, it is often sitting right in front of us, unrecognized and unacknowledged.

How to Know Your Soul’s Purpose

There are quite a few ancient and also newer approaches that provides this insight - astrology, numerology, your Human Design, Tarot, fingerprint analysis. (I have written an ebook that provides exercises using several of these approaches to discover your Soul’s Purpose, get it HERE.) When I pieced mine together, it was a palm on the forehead moment - not at all surprising to me. But knowing is not enough - the key is to be so very connected to it that you embody it - you are in FLOW, living life in ease and grace, in abundance with passion and gratitude, and can’t WAIT to jump out of bed in the morning to start the day! Letting go of overwhelm, stress, judgement, self doubt. Replacing it with CONFIDENCE, INNER PEACE, PASSION and JOY. It is a way of BEING in the world, a mode of consciousness. The biggest and most telling signs that you have found it are you: living your life intentionally and with passion; using your talents and gifts in ease and grace; enjoying every moment!

Stepping onto your Soul’s Purpose Path

The benefits I’ve noted above are actual, not myths. We create our own realities through our beliefs and perceptions so if we believe we are Meant for Joy and Abundance in this lifetime then we can reprogram our brains to call it into our experience. Our Purpose is not outside of ourselves - it IS our Self. Once you have the clarity of your Soul’s Expression in this lifetime, then stepping onto your Soul’s Purpose Path is simply a matter of consciously living in alignment with it - pursuing those experiences that tickle your fancy, peak your interest, or bring you joy. Making daily decisions to express your Soul’s true nature of peace and love. Setting an intension and then remaining open to its fulfillment. You - consciously creating your own reality!

Ready to take the plunge into your greatest Life Adventure? Let’s chat! I can help you connect to and embody your Soul’s Purpose - to step into the life you were MEANT to live!