When RESISTANCE No Longer Stops You in Your Tracks

When RESISTANCE No Longer Stops You in Your Tracks

On the Road to INDOMITABLE, Resistance is bound to come up. Creating new habits and mindsets is scary, afterall, to our ego selves trying to keep us safe. It’s normal. It’s also unnecessary - what are you really afraid of? Here’s how to conquer yours.

The first step to conquering your resistance is recognizing it for what it is and also its underlying driver.  Take me, for example - there were many years in my early career where I felt like I had to get one more certification, one more training, one more something else before I was “good enough” or “ready for primetime.”  Each time I added a notch to my belt, I felt better about myself and what I was ramping up to accomplish, but *DANG* did all that EXTRA take a toll on my timeline! 

It wasn’t really procrastination because I WAS moving forward – but – I was not moving forward to the goal that was the intended endgame. These were detours that were sidestepping Imposter Syndrome and the ugly face of Not Enoughness!  When I finally recognized this behavior in myself and called it out for what it was (and then addressed it) – I was able to take action that was more in alignment with what I was driving to accomplish. 

The next time this same tendency showed up I was able to sit down with it (my mara) and have tea.

Me: “Here you are again. I thought we had parted our ways on friendly terms?”

Imposter Syndrome: “Yes, but – THIS THING YOU ARE DOING…!”

Me: “I know you’re uncomfortable. I know you want to show up as competent and credible.  I know you may have self-doubts. But don’t you think you are overdoing it a bit?”

Imposter Syndrome: “NO!  I feel like I need MORE training, MORE experience, MORE confidence, MORE - ”

Me: “Ok, I get it. What if you don’t?  What if you already have everything you need inside of you?  What if all you have to do is take the first step, and then the next?”

Imposter Syndrome: “Well, I guess one step at a time would be ok. I’m still uncomfortable.”

Me: “Why don’t you walk with me and we’ll do this together.  I’ll get us some support so that things aren’t so scary or overwhelming.”

And then we did. Imposter Syndrome was trying to keep me safe as I was stepping out of my comfort zone and into a new experience.  I didn’t know if things would work out the way I wanted but what I did know is that the Universe has my back and I always get exactly what I need from having made the effort.  This will be the case for you as well.

So I encourage you to have tea with your mara.  Find out its name and nature and acknowledge it when it comes to visit.  You will show yourself that you are committed to taking this action, even though it may be scary or uncomfortable, and you will develop a sense of confidence and trust in your ability each time you do.

Tell your Fears “Resistance is Futile” and create the INDOMITABLE momentum you deserve towards your empowered and fulfilling life! 

If you’d like to learn more, sign up for my online course from my Wolf You Feed Series called “Recognizing and Overcoming your Patterns of Resistance and Self Sabotage”.  In this mini-course, I teach you about the most common types of Resistance that many people experience, adapted from Steven Pressfield’s book “The War of Art.” In the mini course we delve into which patterns have been appearing for you, and I provide several ways to overcome and repattern these tendencies.