Living in Alignment with your Soul's Purpose

I have spoken with many people who feel like they are searching for meaning in their lives. They believe there is more to Life than what they are currently experiencing but don’t know how to connect to it. So they set out on a journey to discover their Soul’s Purpose in this Lifetime so that they can feel more fulfilled, have greater abundance, live with more peace and joy. Yes, it is actually quite possible to discover your own unique Soul Energy Signature, your Soul’s Plan for this lifetime, and the Path that guides you on your Soul’s intended journey. Interestingly, it is often sitting right in front of us, unrecognized and unacknowledged.

How to Know Your Soul’s Purpose

There are quite a few ancient and also newer approaches that provides this insight - astrology, numerology, your Human Design, Tarot, fingerprint analysis. (I have written an ebook that provides exercises using several of these approaches to discover your Soul’s Purpose, get it HERE.) When I pieced mine together, it was a palm on the forehead moment - not at all surprising to me. But knowing is not enough - the key is to be so very connected to it that you embody it - you are in FLOW, living life in ease and grace, in abundance with passion and gratitude, and can’t WAIT to jump out of bed in the morning to start the day! Letting go of overwhelm, stress, judgement, self doubt. Replacing it with CONFIDENCE, INNER PEACE, PASSION and JOY. It is a way of BEING in the world, a mode of consciousness. The biggest and most telling signs that you have found it are you: living your life intentionally and with passion; using your talents and gifts in ease and grace; enjoying every moment!

Stepping onto your Soul’s Purpose Path

The benefits I’ve noted above are actual, not myths. We create our own realities through our beliefs and perceptions so if we believe we are Meant for Joy and Abundance in this lifetime then we can reprogram our brains to call it into our experience. Our Purpose is not outside of ourselves - it IS our Self. Once you have the clarity of your Soul’s Expression in this lifetime, then stepping onto your Soul’s Purpose Path is simply a matter of consciously living in alignment with it - pursuing those experiences that tickle your fancy, peak your interest, or bring you joy. Making daily decisions to express your Soul’s true nature of peace and love. Setting an intension and then remaining open to its fulfillment. You - consciously creating your own reality!

Ready to take the plunge into your greatest Life Adventure? Let’s chat! I can help you connect to and embody your Soul’s Purpose - to step into the life you were MEANT to live!