
Soul Path and Purpose Discovery Offerings

Turn the lead of your life into GOLD!  The Soul Purpose and Path Discovery line of service offerings provides several ways to meet you where you are and support you in where you want to go!

From Readings and Profile Reports that provide insight that increases your Self and Soul Awareness; to Energy Healing offerings that FREE you from what would hold you back from living your best life to programs designed to support you in your healing and expansion journey! These healings, clearings, re-programming, re-patterning, and re-connecting offerings will change your life in ways you can’t even imagine! In each service, I meet you where you are, we identify “where” you want to Be, and you learn ways to walk the path that will get you there through mindfulness practices, spiritual practices, and energy healing. Each offer focusses on a specific facet that would limit you and is designed to help you achieve a new mode of thinking, behaving, reacting, or Being so that your desired transformation becomes your new experience of living!

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Energy Healing

Release stuck energy in your body, heal trauma, re-pattern your experience of living, release your limiting beliefs, expereince the expansion of having a deeper connection to the Divine. The applications of energy healing are endless and all of them accelerates your soulful journey!

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Soulful Success Mentoring

You’ve heard of the Law of Attraction? This is successful manifestation of your Life Vision using ALL the Universal Laws. Put your success into overdrive!


Design. Align. EXPAND!

My Design. Align. EXPAND! small business consultation services are based on a repeatable proven formula that we will tailor together to meet your unique business needs and goals. Whether you want to launch the business in your soul or grow the small business you already have, address your chaotic team dynamic or improve your business performance for optimized revenue creation, my programs will provide you with the clarity and confidence to take the actions you will need to succeed.