Staying Stuck is a CHOICE
When you know you are stuck and still do nothing, you have chosen to stay stuck
So what are you afraid of, really? Is it a fear of failure and having to deal with the possibility of shame, ridicule, and judgement? - or a fear of success and having to deal with the jealousy and haters? Something else? There is a better way to get free from your inability to move forward than choosing to stay stuck. Here’s how.
When RESISTANCE No Longer Stops You in Your Tracks
Jupiter-Uranus Conjunct in Taurus - and Manifesting a Vision for a Better World
Today in astrology, the planets Jupiter and Uranus become conjunct in Taurus. When the planet of expansion and Big Ideas snuggles up with Uranus - the planet of disruption, rebellion, and revolution - we can expect BIG CHANGES in the world and in our lives. This celestial union will initiate a new cycle that will shake our world by introducing a shift in perspective and sparking transformation that will force us out of our comfort zones. Major paradigm shift, anyone?
I value living intentionally, so here is my offer to the Universe for BIG CHANGES and a Revolutionary Paradigm Shift from what we are currently experiencing on Earth in this now moment:
I envision a world where there is ENOUGH. There is no longer a driving insatiable need to accumulate. All physical and emotional needs are met and there are sufficient resources for all to meet their basic survival requirements. It is a world where all Beings can live together sustainably and in respect for the kinship between EARTH and ALL her BEINGS. Life force energy is abundantly available to be used for personal development and self-actualization. People are no longer driven by fear, guilt, shame, and a need to overpower or control. They take responsibility for their actions and decisions and act in integrity with respect for themselves and all of life.
In my vision, human dignity is restored and there is no longer a drive to violence, rage, oppression, power over, control, racism, elitism, ostracization, or oppression of differences in gender identity, race, religion, occupation. People are free to express their gifts and talents in contribution to the Greater Good. Female women and children are not sold into slavery, the sex trade, or killed because of their gender. Children grow up safe and secure to explore their world and their own Beingness without fear.
In my vision, the Institutions that were established for the Greater Good such as public schools, governments, and organized religions - but which have become monoliths of an old controlling and repressive global construct - shift to embrace a more global set of core values such as equality, empowerment, tolerance, integrity, and service. There is no war or fighting over boundaries, resources, wealth, or the accumulation of power.
I admit, it is a huge heartfelt call for a better world where people respect ALL BEINGS and honor the world we live in and on. More than what one person can do or manifest alone. I do believe, though, that one person can make a PROFOUND difference in the world - witness the thoughts and actions of Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou, and many others.
In this small corner of the world, I foster healing and personal empowerment in heart-centered souls. Together, we will radiate love and compassion into the world and bring change one person at a time.
Create your Own Life Vision for Yourself and your Expanded New Earth experience! Check out my FREE Personal Manifesto Workshop here!
When your Soul Leads the Way…
If you follow spiritual literature, you know that becoming heart-centered and Soul-guided leads to unimaginable fulfillment in life and presents opportunities that your poor mind cannot even remotely fathom, with ease and flow. “YES!” you say - “I WANT THAT SUPREME SUCCESS!”
GREAT! All you need to do is become heart-centered and Soul-guided. “But what does that even mean? And where do I even start?” you may ask. A very good question. Here are the four steps.
The four key steps are; radical forgiveness, heal and release your anger, shame, guilt, and fear; restore faith and trust in yourself and the Universe; cultivate self-love. And THEN your heart is open enough to welcome in the vulnerability associated with surrender and acceptance of human imperfection in yourself and others, with love and compassion. Yup, it’s a lot.
For me, in my journey healing from a lifetime of trauma, it has been a pretty long road. I had to forgive myself, my abusers, everyone who bullied or negated me while it was happening, those who could have supported me but didn’t - the “forgive” list went on and on. Then I had to dive deep to restore the trust in myself and in others that so many years of abuse erased. I had already done a great deal of present lifetime healing of lower density emotions (anger, fear, guilt, shame) but there were still energetic signatures present from past lives and both lineages so I needed to dig in deeper on that step. I spent a year focused on the Trust step and then loving myself - well, that is still a work in progress.
I thank my Creator that I found my spiritual path and developed such a close connection to my Higher self and my Spirit Team. The love and support that I felt during the years I was doing this work was nothing like I had ever experienced before. And this connection just keeps growing stronger. As it does, the higher heart frequencies of love, compassion, empathy, acceptance, openness become much easier to embody. My self-confidence is unshakeable, and I no longer worry about the future. I am able to maintain an unflappable inner peace, and I am no longer triggered or reactionary to situations or the emotions of others. I LOVE this State of Being, and choose to live in this level of consciousness at all times. I know that the Universe has “this or something better” in store and I am now in a place where I accept and trust that it will be AH-MAZ-ING.
If you would like to come home to your own beautiful heart and need support in any or all of the four key steps above, drop me a note or set up a no-obligation call. I felt very alone in my journey, but you do not need to. Having the right support, knowledge, and tools can help accelerate the journey. And I am here to tell you, it is BEAUTIFUL on the other side of the darkness. Won’t you come join me here?
Loving Life Starts with Loving Your Self
Loving Life Starts with Loving Your Self
“how you love yourself is
how you teach others
to love you”
― Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey
We tend to experience the world through the lens of our own self-image. If this self-image is rooted in an unconscious belief of “I am unloveable” or in the energy of doubt around your loveable-ness, then we tend to create reactions and situations in our lives that reinforce this belief or doubt. The result is a life that we don’t love and a deeper sense of doubt around our own loveable-ness.
I am here to tell you that you ARE LOVEABLE AND LOVED simply because you have been born. The Universe LOVES you SO MUCH that it supports you in what you believe! In order to love your life, then, you MUST LOVE YOURSELF FIRST. This is an Inside Job - it will not be found outside of yourself. Here are some ways you can release your doubt and reinforce your own Divinity to cultivate and connect to your inner sense of wellbeing and acceptability.
Radical Self Care - this is any practice that you would do for yourself regularly as a way to put yourself first ahead of everyone else and their needs or demands. A “guilty pleasure” that you should NOT feel guilty doing for yourself! It can be anything - an epsom salt bath, a trip to the salon, a walk in nature. Whatever it is, be sure to affirm to yourself that you are gifting this experience to yourself and acknowledge that YOU DESERVE IT.
Mirror Work - can you look yourself in the eye in the mirror? Use the mirror to have a conversation with your deepest inner self. Tell your reflection how you feel, why you feel that way and ask it to help you feel better about yourself as a loveable human who deserves to feel love and acceptance. As you tell your reflection how you feel, notice how it feels - do you feel silly? Ashamed? Relieved? Continue the conversation and introduce compliments. How do you feel now? Continue to do this practice until you are able to feel neutral or relief and then into self acceptance and peace. Write a positive affirmation on the mirror you use daily and read it out loud every morning and evening so your body hears and acknowledges it.
Connect regularly to your Angel Guides and your Inner Divine Council - wait, you didn’t know you had a Divine Council?! Of course you do! And they stand ready to support and uplift you! Opt-in here to my eBook Meet your Angel Guides! How to Call in your Divine Support Team. Enjoy!
Here’s to your new vision of a life filled with love and acceptance! YOU MATTER and YOU ARE SO WORTH IT! Find the Joy in your experiences and be sure to Thank your Higher Self for bringing these gifts into your experience!
Overcoming the "not enough" belief
When our own self doubt and lack of self acceptance is the primary limiting belief in our lives, it holds us back from stepping into our powerful True Selves. We "play small" and are reluctant to be visible, to step up or speak up, or to extend ourselves into unknown territory where we feel there's just that one more thing I need to make myself "better" before I'm "ready".
When this is the dominating energy in our lives, it is important to discover where it has come from so that this feeling of inadequacy can be healed and our self-confidence strengthened. What childhood event or events caused you to feel like you were not enough? Did you live with criticism? Guilt? Shame? Lack? Neglect? Abuse? What are the thoughts you have that repeat and re-enforce this belief?
If we are to live into our Fullest Expression of our Selves, we need to heal this wound and fill the space with self love and acceptance. Can you see yourself as the Queen or King that you are?
There are several techniques to help you to do this, I have provided a list of resources below. This is a profound but critically important un-learning. Practice until your cup of self-love is overflowing!
Self Doubt Elimination Exercises:
Tell yourself I LOVE YOU in the mirror each morning. Explain to your reflection all the reasons why you are beautiful and amazing. Be sincere and look yourself in the eye. Tell your reflection I LOVE YOU in each mirror you encounter throughout the day.
Make two columns on a piece of paper. In the first column, write out a list of all the things you tell yourself because you believe you are not enough, right now, as you are. In the column across from this list, write the opposite statement in the positive. For example, "I don't want to go to that wine and painting event with Sally because I don't know how to paint and my pictures would probably be awful." Turns into "I wonder if I have a talent for painting that I didn't know about? Wouldn't it be fun to have some wine and get creative?" When you catch yourself having one of the self doubt thoughts, acknowledge you are doing it and think of three affirming things you could tell yourself instead.
Visualize yourself as a Queen or King. Find or draw a picture of one and put your face in it. What are the character attributes this person would have that you would admire? Write them down on the picture. Visualize how this character would think and act, what would they do? Take a day and play the part!
Write out several positive present tense affirmations. Read them out loud every morning. Post them up where you can see them and read them often throughout the day.
Be sure to notice how your Way of Being in the world shifts when you practice ENOUGHNESS! Notice how your practice spills into other areas of your life such as money and relationships. Celebrate your more empowered Self! I CELEBRATE YOU!