Loving Life Starts with Loving Your Self

Loving Life Starts with Loving Your Self

“how you love yourself is

how you teach others

to love you”

― Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey

We tend to experience the world through the lens of our own self-image. If this self-image is rooted in an unconscious belief of “I am unloveable” or in the energy of doubt around your loveable-ness, then we tend to create reactions and situations in our lives that reinforce this belief or doubt. The result is a life that we don’t love and a deeper sense of doubt around our own loveable-ness.

I am here to tell you that you ARE LOVEABLE AND LOVED simply because you have been born. The Universe LOVES you SO MUCH that it supports you in what you believe! In order to love your life, then, you MUST LOVE YOURSELF FIRST. This is an Inside Job - it will not be found outside of yourself. Here are some ways you can release your doubt and reinforce your own Divinity to cultivate and connect to your inner sense of wellbeing and acceptability.

  1. Radical Self Care - this is any practice that you would do for yourself regularly as a way to put yourself first ahead of everyone else and their needs or demands. A “guilty pleasure” that you should NOT feel guilty doing for yourself! It can be anything - an epsom salt bath, a trip to the salon, a walk in nature. Whatever it is, be sure to affirm to yourself that you are gifting this experience to yourself and acknowledge that YOU DESERVE IT.

  2. Mirror Work - can you look yourself in the eye in the mirror? Use the mirror to have a conversation with your deepest inner self. Tell your reflection how you feel, why you feel that way and ask it to help you feel better about yourself as a loveable human who deserves to feel love and acceptance. As you tell your reflection how you feel, notice how it feels - do you feel silly? Ashamed? Relieved? Continue the conversation and introduce compliments. How do you feel now? Continue to do this practice until you are able to feel neutral or relief and then into self acceptance and peace. Write a positive affirmation on the mirror you use daily and read it out loud every morning and evening so your body hears and acknowledges it.

  3. Connect regularly to your Angel Guides and your Inner Divine Council - wait, you didn’t know you had a Divine Council?! Of course you do! And they stand ready to support and uplift you! Opt-in here to my eBook Meet your Angel Guides! How to Call in your Divine Support Team. Enjoy!

Here’s to your new vision of a life filled with love and acceptance! YOU MATTER and YOU ARE SO WORTH IT! Find the Joy in your experiences and be sure to Thank your Higher Self for bringing these gifts into your experience!