When RESISTANCE No Longer Stops You in Your Tracks

When RESISTANCE No Longer Stops You in Your Tracks

On the Road to INDOMITABLE, resistance is bound to come up. Creating new habits and mindsets is scary, after all, to our ego selves trying to keep us safe. It’s normal. It’s also unnecessary. Here’s how to conquer yours.

Jupiter-Uranus Conjunct in Taurus - and Manifesting a Vision for a Better World

Today in astrology, the planets Jupiter and Uranus become conjunct in Taurus. When the planet of expansion and Big Ideas snuggles up with Uranus - the planet of disruption, rebellion, and revolution - we can expect BIG CHANGES in the world and in our lives. This celestial union will initiate a new cycle that will shake our world by introducing a shift in perspective and sparking transformation that will force us out of our comfort zones. Major paradigm shift, anyone?

I value living intentionally, so here is my offer to the Universe for BIG CHANGES and a Revolutionary Paradigm Shift from what we are currently experiencing on Earth in this now moment:

I envision a world where there is ENOUGH. There is no longer a driving insatiable need to accumulate. All physical and emotional needs are met and there are sufficient resources for all to meet their basic survival requirements. It is a world where all Beings can live together sustainably and in respect for the kinship between EARTH and ALL her BEINGS. Life force energy is abundantly available to be used for personal development and self-actualization. People are no longer driven by fear, guilt, shame, and a need to overpower or control. They take responsibility for their actions and decisions and act in integrity with respect for themselves and all of life.

In my vision, human dignity is restored and there is no longer a drive to violence, rage, oppression, power over, control, racism, elitism, ostracization, or oppression of differences in gender identity, race, religion, occupation. People are free to express their gifts and talents in contribution to the Greater Good. Female women and children are not sold into slavery, the sex trade, or killed because of their gender. Children grow up safe and secure to explore their world and their own Beingness without fear.

In my vision, the Institutions that were established for the Greater Good such as public schools, governments, and organized religions - but which have become monoliths of an old controlling and repressive global construct - shift to embrace a more global set of core values such as equality, empowerment, tolerance, integrity, and service. There is no war or fighting over boundaries, resources, wealth, or the accumulation of power.

I admit, it is a huge heartfelt call for a better world where people respect ALL BEINGS and honor the world we live in and on. More than what one person can do or manifest alone. I do believe, though, that one person can make a PROFOUND difference in the world - witness the thoughts and actions of Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou, and many others.

In this small corner of the world, I foster healing and personal empowerment in heart-centered souls. Together, we will radiate love and compassion into the world and bring change one person at a time.

Create your Own Life Vision for Yourself and your Expanded New Earth experience! Check out my FREE Personal Manifesto Workshop here!

How Confident Would You Be if You Had a DRAGON Standing Beside You?!!

If you had a Dragon standing beside you, protecting and supporting you, would you:

  • worry about what others thought or said about you?

  • feel safe in the world?

  • have the confidence to speak your Truth?

  • love yourself fiercely and without reservation?

  • fearlessly take the inspired actions that would lead you to your dreams?

  • know that the Elemental Magic and Eternal Wisdom of Nature had your back?

What would you accomplish if you knew this Dragon Presence as an unequivocal fact in your life, guiding and supporting you?


Would you like to experience that level of confidence? Let’s chat!