What is Energy Healing

What is Energy Healing and What it Does

Today is 10-10, a powerful ascension portal that opens every year but which is especially strong this year. This makes it perfect timing to share about how the energy of “the dance of the spheres” influences our lives and how you are able to direct your own energy in empowering and life affirming ways.

Everything is Energy!

The world is made of energy in various forms and our minds and body interact with the quantum energy field to create and manifest our physical reality. Thoughts become things! When we make a powerful decision and take action on the ideas and inspirations that drop into our awareness, when we focus on the accomplishment of our big goals and aspirations, when we become Intentional about how we want to experience our life, we are directing our own energy field. Energy flows where our attention goes and is amplified by our emotions. When we make a powerful decision or choice, the infinite field of potentiality then becomes a “collapsed potentiality” which can be amplified and turned into form. The greater the focus, the greater the amplification, the more “solid” the form. This is the formula for manifestation.

What is resonating in your personal energy field?

This is a fabulous capability if everything in your mind and body is coming up roses! But what if your awareness is focused on all the things you don’t have? Or all the things wrong with your life? Or all the ways you’ve been wronged or feeling victimized? Yikes! Who wants more of all of that?!! The good news is you are able to shift your mindset to create the reality you DO want. (Check out my Soul Resonance Bundle for free resources on this subject). No-one needs to stay stuck in their current situation, but may not be aware of how they are creating their own reality or how to shift it.

Your personal resonance is a fairly constant resonance comprised of the energetic imprint you were born with, your conditioning, your beliefs, your values, your life experiences both past and present, your lineage. You are quite the unique package - a once in forever cosmic event! There are quite a few tools available that can provide you with this self awareness and discovery - your Human Design chart, your astrological natal chart, your Gene Keys. Check them out or get a reading!

What is Your Vibrational Frequency?

Your personal vibrational frequency is the combination of your personal resonance and the thoughts, emotions, perceptions and stories you are experiencing in each moment. You are able to consciously shift your vibration to higher frequencies. This is especially desirable when you are feeling fear, shame, guilt, angst, or other lower vibrations. This shift opens your perspective to be able to embrace higher frequencies and the higher level outcomes that come with them.

A simple example of this is the emotional release that is felt when taking one’s anger out on the punching bag at the gym. Afterwards, the anger is not as intense and more rational thought can be introduced into the situation that caused the anger. Without this physical release, you would likely be walking around fuming and lashing out at others, where with it you are now able to process your anger, see the situation more objectively, and decide how to address it with intention instead of in an angry reaction - a much more empowering place from which to address the issue.

Energy Healing is Healing for your Past, Present, and Future

More profound shifts are also available to us. We are able to use various energy techniques to connect to our higher vibrational energy fields such as our Akashic Record in order to heal or re-write past experiences that have perhaps been traumatic and are blocking our more joyful experience of life in the present. This energy healing introduces a permanent shift of past energy you may not have even been aware of but which may also be the reason for recurring patterns in your life.

Ready to release recurring patterns, feeling stuck, or to raise your energetic vibration?  Need support around gaining life purpose clarity, powering through or clearing your blocks or resistance around achieving your Big Goals, releasing the lower vibration thoughts and emotions that no longer serve you?  Let’s chat! I can help you with all these things so you can step into the dream life you were MEANT to live!