Meet Your Amazing SELF!

self awareness is the key to personal mastery!

products to help you connect to your inner divinity and authentic self


human design chart reading

Your Human Design chart represents an energetic snapshot at two points in time - about 80 days prior to your birth and at the date/time of your birth. This snapshot is overlayed with your astrological birthchart at both points in time, and is infused with ancient wisdom from the Hebrew Kabbalah system, the Chinese I’Ching energy archetypes system, and the Indian Chakra system. This chart portrays no less than your Soul’s Big Plan for your life experience, health, and abundance!

What to expect;

  • You submit your chart information to my private form and I will send you my general reading of your unique chart in audio file format. In this 40 to 50 minute recording, I will discuss the basic elements of your chart and what they mean to you, the nature of the primary energies in your chart and how you may experience them, provide guidance in how to optimize your energy management to avoid burn-out, and enables an understanding of how you are best wired to live authentically in energetic alignment with Divine Flow.

  • This reading provides you a startpoint understanding of your unique energetic signature and how your Authentic Self is hardwired to realize your Soul Purpose in this lifetime.


Specialized Human design chart readings

Since your Human Design chart is infused with the ancient wisdom of both Eastern and Western astrology, the ancient wisdom from the Hebrew Kabbalah system, the Chinese I’Ching energy archetypes system, and the Indian Chakra system, it can yield powerful insights into how you best work in the world and your most aligned vocations, what is your Soul Purpose and Highest calling, what karmic inheritances you bring into this lifetime and how they may be impacting you, how you are wired for relationships, love, leadership, and abundance and more!

What to Expect:

  • You submit your chart information to my private form along with which specialized reading you are interested in and I will send you my general reading of your unique chart in audio file format. In this 40 to 50 minute recording, I will discuss the specific elements of your chart relative to your topic of interest and what they mean to you, the nature of the primary energies in your chart and how you may experience them relative to the specific topic you’ve chosen, and will provide guidance in how to optimize your energy management around your specific topic that will enable an understanding of how you are best wired to live authentically and in energetic alignment with Divine Flow.

  • Each specialized reading presumes you already have a basic understanding of your Human Design chart and requires that you have already had a general chart reading. If you have not, please take advantage of the Human Design chart reading on this page.

  • The Specialized Reading audio will provide you with deep insight into the nature of your unique energetic hardwiring and inherent propensities - realized or not - around each topic noted. Select from:

    • Soul Purpose, Path and Highest Calling Reading

    • Karmic Inheritance Reading - How your Past Life Energetics Influence you Today

    • Soulful Leadership Reading - How you are Energetically Wired for Leadership of Yourself and Others


your evolution profile Report

We are written in the Stars! This jam-packed report synthesizes your Soul Plan dharma and the karmic inheritance brought forward from your many lifetimes and which are embedded in your psyche, influencing your experience. This report draws on multiple ancient wisdom modalities including your astrological birth chart, and uses your Human Design chart as the basis for understanding your unique Evolutionary Path in this lifetime!

Discover your Soul’s intended Purpose and Growth Experiences, and what energetics or beliefs that may be holding you back in this lifetime so that you can clear and release them to live your Best Life!

What to Expect:

  • You will submit your chart information to my private form and I will compile your 15-20 page Evolutionary Profile Report from your astrological natal chart and your Human Design chart. Your unique-to-you report and charts used will be sent to you via email.

  • This report:

    • Highlights your Soul’s Highest Intention for your growth experiences in this lifetime as well as identifies the karmic inheritance that can serve you or hinder you in this lifetime.

    • Provides insights into the nature of your Soul’s Purpose for this lifetime

    • Provides insights into your Soul Path and healing journey in this lifetime

  • I want you to live your MOST FULFILLING life UNSTOPPABLE! When you purchase this Report and follow up with an energy healing or coaching purchase, I will provide you a discount of 20% off any of my coaching packages price.