Raise Your Vibration!

Dove of peace

Did you know that our emotions have an energetic frequency? Did you also know you can consciously shift the vibration you are experiencing? It's simple to do, and (not surprisingly) starts with noticing what you are feeling.

Using the Hawkins Scale of Consciousness below, identify the emotional state you are currently in.  If you are in more than one state of emotion, treat them like a range and determine where they fall on the scale.  If you are below 250 Hz, you are living in a contracted state of Being.

Hawkins Scale of Consciousness.png

When we are in a contracted state of Being, our emotions are churned up, victimized, negative.  It is difficult to see our way out of problems or circumstances, and we are probably not very fun to be around. On the other hand, when we are in higher emotional states, we are more open to possibilities, are able to roll with the punches more easily, and are able to connect more readily with the Universe in co-creation.

It is simple to shift into a higher emotional frequency, and is actually a healthier place to function!  Imagine no fear, stress, or overwhelm in your day! There is a great deal of science emerging that describes the benefits of “heart-mind coherence” but yogi’s have known for eons that a peaceful mind makes for a peaceful existence.  Meditation is one of the most effective methods of remaining in a high state of vibration over time, but with practice, high vibe can become your new normal.  Here is an exercise that you can do in the moment to shift your energy back into a higher state of frequency.

First, NOTICE your emotion(s).  Notice what is triggered in an emotional reaction – often there may be an underlying issue beneath the surface that is coming up to be addressed.  But for now, notice.  What frequency on the scale is it at?

Next, DECIDE.  Where on the scale would you rather be?

Then CHOOSE to be in that state.  Take three deep breaths and imagine a time and place where you were in that improved emotional state.  What were you doing?  Who were you with? Spend some time there, at least 5-10 minutes.  Keep breathing deeply.  Take a walk or go somewhere private so you can conduct this exercise undisturbed.  When you come back from your visualization, you will be in a much better state of Being.

Find out more about the science of why this technique works at HeartMath.org.

What frequency do you choose to vibrate at today?