The Soul Path and Purpose Discovery Offerings

In this grouping of programs and offerings, you have maximum flexibility to connect to and experience your Soul Path and Purpose in this lifetime! Clear and release what no longer serves you, gain the tools and techniques that will ensure your success, and change your life in ways you could have never imagined! My Joyful Transformation experiential process will identify the “lead” of your life so we can turn it into GOLD!  My programs start where you are, defines where you want to Be, and helps you to walk the path that will get you there! Each step of the program is designed to help you achieve a new mode of thinking, behaving, reacting, or Being so that your desired transformation becomes your new experience of living and Being!


Reconnect to what’s important TO YOU:

What Lights you Up, what you most want from life and your Big Why

Identify what is holding you back and release it

Identify and learn how to re-pattern your beliefs, habits, and mindset to achieve your dreams

Learn tools for living On Purpose and In Flow with your unique Soul Purpose and Path

Learn how to connect with your Inner Guidance, Intuition, and Guides’ and use your connection for daily support and decisions

soul awareness readings

Each Reading provides a unique view into various aspects of your Soul’s Path and Purpose in this lifetime

  • Human Design Chart Reading - Your unique energy embodiment chart. This chart is a Blueprint of your Most Authentic You and provides deep insight into your individual energy system

  • Gene Keys Profile Reading - A profile of your three key activation paths to realize your Highest Soul Expression in this lifetime - Golden Path Activation, Heart Activation, and Prosperity Activation

  • Evolutionary Profile Report - A profile of your karmic inheritance, the nature of your Soul’s past life experiences, and your unique dharmic purpose and destiny in this lifetime

  • Life Purpose Tarot 5-card Reading - Shows you where you are on your Path today

  • Tarot Soul Purpose Profile - A depiction of your Soul Purpose and Archetypal energies at play in your life

soul purpose path promise

A three month program tailored to you and focused on blasting through the blocks that would stand in your way of living your most fulfilling life and in your Highest Soul Expression. Accelerate the journey of your Golden Path activation and step into your Highest Expression much sooner than the end of your lifetime! Live your Destined birthright in ease and grace and fulfillment much sooner in your life journey!

what you get:

This 3 month program is flexible, tailored to you and features:

  • Lifetime access to the program materials, reports, and session recordings all in one place

  • Your unique Evolutionary Profile Report

  • An audio reading of your unique Human Design Chart

  • Five 75 minute coaching and energy healing sessions

Soul Purpose and Path mentorship Program

This 6 month program is based upon the proven process established by Marcia Weider’s Dream University, supplemented by my own spiritual alchemy magic, and tailored to your own unique energetic signature, Soul’s Path and Purpose. This is a repeatable process and you will have lifetime access to your program materials. This means you will be able to apply the steps again and again as your dreams manifest and as the vision for your Inspired Life expands into your Highest Expression!



This 6 month program is flexible, tailored to you and features:

  • Lifetime access to the program training modules and materials

  • Ten online training modules which can be done quickly or over a longer period of time, at your own pace.

  • Eight 75 minute coaching sessions via Zoom on the training materials and your unique needs. My coaching is designed to support you with encouragement, accountability, feedback, and healing from a place of loving empathy and intuition.

  • Three 75 minute energy healing sessions or additional coaching sessions, your option

  • Six 30 minute check-in calls for encouragement and accountability through the program duration

  • Your unique Evolutionary Profile Report

    Program Add-on options, at additional cost:

  • A package of 3 additional 50 minute laser coaching sessions

  • A three hour Healing Intensive session, for focussed deep healing on a specific need



The six month program focusses on executing the Dream University training and accountability coaching for your unique Soul Path, Purpose, and Soul Energetic signature. It provides a solid foundation for exploring further for dreams that are more complex, more expansive, or which would take longer time for other reasons. The six month program allows for time in-between training sessions to do the deep work that is sometimes needed to overcome entrenched limiting beliefs that tend to hinder progress, or to conduct specific healing needed in order to move forward. The longer time-frame is also good for clients who prefer a more leisurely pace to integrate the teaching and put it into practice so that living as a Dream Life Manifestor can become a natural mode of Being. A laser session package can be added to the program package to allow for deeper integration of a particular training session, as needed or to provide a Healing Intensive as desired. This program is the full package - it is designed to provide you with the Awareness, tools and techniques, and healing needed to blast the blocks, dissolve the resistance, and AMPLIFY your Soulful Success into your most fulfilling life!


What we’ll cover in the Training:

(1) RAISE YOUR Soul-Awareness

  • Discover your Soul Path and Purpose in this lifetime

  • Discover your unique energetic signature, your Soul Resonance and Core Expression

  • BECOME your Authentic Self and live in Integrity with it

  • Discover your fears and resistance and what would hold you back

  • Discover your limiting beliefs and core wounding

  • Discover your Intuitive gifts and meet your Guides

  • Define your Amazing Life Vision on your Soul’s Path

  • Decide: What does your Architect look like?


  • Become the Architect of your Amazing Life!

  • Replace your Negative Thinking Habits with new, More Empowering, ones

  • Radical Self Care

  • Living in Intention, establishing Mindfulness practices

  • Define Success on your Own Terms

  • Learn and use proven Success practices

  • Cultivating your Success Mindset and Living your Amazing Life Vision

  • Cultivate the Connection to your Spirit Team


  • Deep Forgiveness and Gratitude

  • Living at the Frequency of Love or Above

  • Healing your Inner Child, Healing your Core Wounding

  • Clearing what no longer Serves you

  • Overcoming your Fears and Resistance

  • Deepen your Intuitive Connection

  • Kill your Inner Critic

  • Cultivate your Self Love


shelli Roberts, life alchemist

After doing over 20+ years of inner work and self awareness study, I achieved my life goals. It saddens me that it took so long - so many years un-lived.

Yet, those same years are what have brought me right here, right now, so grateful to be able to work with those individuals who feel like they may be in the same place I was - stuck, feeling unfulfilled, feeling the yearning to have more out of life, perhaps rebuilding themselves and healing after trauma.

I am here to tell you IT IS POSSIBLE and you CAN do it - much faster than I did, with the right Guide. Joyful Transformation is all about your Inner Growth and Outer Expression, no matter where you’re starting from or the dreams you want to express.