The Soul Path and Purpose Readings and Reports

Each Reading provides a different view into various aspects of your unique Soul’s Path and Purpose in this lifetime.

  • Human Design Chart Reading - Your unique energy embodiment chart. This chart is a Blueprint of your Most Authentic Self and provides deep insight into your individual energy system

  • Gene Keys Profile Reading - A profile of your three key activation paths to realize your Highest Soul Expression in this lifetime - Golden Path Activation, Heart Activation, and Prosperity Activation

  • Evolutionary Profile Report - A profile of your karmic inheritance, the nature of your Soul’s past life experiences, and your unique dharmic purpose and destiny in this lifetime

  • Life Purpose Tarot 5-card Reading - Shows you where you are on your Path today

  • Tarot Soul Purpose Profile - A depiction of your Soul Purpose and Archetypal energies at play in your life

Human Design Chart Reading

A reading of the primary elements of your human design chart - your unique energetic embodiment of your Authentic Self in this lifetime! Your Chart identifies your unique energetic embodiment - how you process energy, how you are wired for inter-personal relationships, how you relate to the world, and how you are wired to achieve your personal Soul destiny in this lifetime. We really do come into this life with everything we need!

This Reading features:

  • An audio reading of your unique Human Design Chart delivered via email

gene keys profile reading

A reading of your unique Gene Keys Profile to include my interpretation of your Golden Activation Path, your Heart Activation Path, and your Prosperity Path. Your Gene Keys Profile provides your unique activation journey to achieve your destiny planned by your Soul in this lifetime and describes the Highest vibration available to you at each step. This profile provides deep insights into your Soul’s journey and your personal destiny for this lifetime and in the achievement of your Soul Prosperity Pearl.

This Reading features:

  • An audio reading of your unique Gene Keys Profile Activation Paths delivered via email

evolutionary profile report

A reading of your Soul’s Evolution planned for this lifetime, the karmic inheritance of your past lives, the dharmic destiny planned for this lifetime, and the gifts and challenges that you will experience and have experienced.

This report provides valuable insights into the beliefs and experiences your Soul has brought with it into this lifetime and arms you with the knowledge of where to focus your healing and clearing in this one so you are better able to experience a life of freedom, joy, and abundance in your Soul’s Highest Expression.

This Report is delivered via email and features:

  • Your Soul Purpose and intended growth, learning, contribution in this lifetime

  • The nature of your Soul’s unique combination of past experiences and karmic inheritance

  • How you can reconnect to your Authentic Self and accelerate your Soulful journey to achieve your birthright sooner in life

Tarot Soul Purpose 5-Card Reading

This reading covers five positions designed to illuminate where you are in your Soul journey right now and how you can become better aligned to your Soul’s intended Path and Purpose in this immediate timeframe.

This Reading features:

  • A 5-card Tarot spread using Doreen Virtue’s Life Purpose Tarot card deck delivered in person via Zoom

  • A recording of your reading and an image of the spread drawn is delivered via email

Tarot Soul Purpose Profile

This profile covers your Soul purpose, path, and growth experience for this lifetime using multiple ancient modalities including numerology, tarot archetypes, and astrology. Discover your Path and Purpose through the lens of tarot archetypes and discover your Soul’s growth experience for this lifetime.

This Profile Report features:

  • A Tarot Profile Report of your unique Tarot Soul Purpose Profile of this lifetime, delivered via email

Get Them All!

Get all the Profiles and Reports listed here for a bundle discount! A $625 value!

shelli Roberts, life alchemist

After doing over 15 years of inner work and self awareness study, I achieved my life goals. It saddens me that it took so long - so many years un-lived.

Yet, those same years are what have brought me right here, right now, so grateful to be able to work with those individuals who feel like they may be in the same place I was - stuck, feeling unfulfilled, feeling the yearning to have more out of life, perhaps rebuilding themselves and healing after trauma.

I am here to tell you IT IS POSSIBLE and you CAN do it - much faster than I did, with the right Guide. Joyful Transformation is all about your Inner Growth and Outer Expression, no matter where you’re starting from or the dreams you want to express.