Get your Specialized Human Design Chart Reading
on your unique Soul Path and Purpose!
This not-found-anywhere else specialized HD chart reading provides powerful insight into the nature of your unique Soul Path and Purpose in this lifetime, synthesized from interpretations found in multiple wisdom teachings to include Soul-Centered/Spiritual Astrology, Qabalah Pathwork, Tarot, Quantum Human Design, and Gene Keys contemplations. Get yours today!
A peek into this reading:
This unique-to-you reading of the Soul Path and Purpose elements in your Human Design chart provides:
The clarity on the nature of your Soul’s energy signature in this lifetime, and your “Destiny” - what You have come here to learn, experience, and expand into Becoming. It shows you your “growing edges”, likely just that very thing you have been resisting!
The full reading is delivered in a ~50 minute audio format and covers:
The nature of your unique Soul’s energy and energetic signature in this lifetime, the Gifts you hold within you to succeed on your Soul Path
The nature of the Soul Purpose your Soul is here to learn and experience for its evolution and expansion - your Soul’s “growing edges” where you will feel Called to experience, heal, grow, and express yourself the loudest
The nature of your activation pathways that can trigger your Ascension, your Surrender to Self and Soul embodiment through your life experiences
The nature of your Soul’s Destiny - what is unfamiliar, uncomfortable, and where you are likely to be most resistant to this same Call to Growth, what healing and Service to Humanity you are uniquely Called to offer
The FULL Reading Will:
Reveal your Soul Archetype, energetic environment, Purpose, Path, and Destiny in this lifetime
Provide powerful awareness around the nature of your Soul’s “Purpose” of learning, experience, expansion, and healing for this lifetime.
Provide insight into the nature of your Soul’s energetic signature and the Gifts you came into this lifetime holding
Gain clarity on the nature of your Soul’s energetic archetype so that you may become more aware of the nature of your Soul’s “wisdom school” of learning in this lifetime
Guide you in recognizing your Soul Path activations so that it becomes easier to navigate them in your life experiences
Guide you in recognizing your Soul Path “Destiny” - or “growing edges”- so that it becomes easier to navigate them in your life experiences
Experience the freedom gained from the unique healing your Soul identified for this lifetime
Free you from the suffering introduced when there is too far a distance between your Self Awareness and your Authentic Soulself.
Gain clarity on your Soul alignment so that you may become more open to new possibilities and attract more empowering, joyful and fulfilling circumstances in your life!
ThE MINI Reading Will:
Reveal your Soul Archetype, Purpose, and Destiny in this lifetime
Provide powerful awareness around the nature of your Soul’s “Purpose” of learning, experience, expansion, and healing for this lifetime
Guide you in recognizing your Soul Path “Destiny” - or “growing edges” so that it becomes easier to navigate them in your life experiences
Gain clarity on the nature of your Soul’s energetic archetype so that you may become more aware of the nature of your Soul’s “wisdom school” of learning in this lifetime