when you feel stuck

What to do when you feel Stuck or Unfulfilled in Life

Feelings of unfulfillment or feeling stuck are typically good indications that you are ready for a Big Change in your life. I’m not talking about moving the furniture around in the living room. This is also more than a job change or new outfit. I’m talking about the feeling that there has got to be more to life than this. I’m talking about taking a step towards your Highest Purpose on your life path.

You could actually go buy that new outfit, or move into a new house to heal that feeling of unfulfillment. Doing so might help with that feeling, for a few minutes or maybe even months. But if you want to pursue a more permanent fix, then you’ll need to seek alignment to your Soul’s Purpose in order to heed that calling.

So what is that Purpose? Path? Mission? How do you know if you’re in alignment with it? Are you confused about what is the “right” thing to do? The “right” path to choose? So much pressure! Your path for the rest of your life! This actually does not have to be such a weighty choice. Do you believe that you as a Soul chose to be here in this incarnation, in this time and place? Born into this body, to these parents, and these circumstances? What do you think you were meant to learn from these beginnings? What choices have you made along the way that have brought you to this moment? What new choices, perspectives, and stories are trying to come into your presence?

Here is a different way to think about this big question. WHAT IF there is no right or wrong thing to do? WHAT IF you are ALREADY on your Soul’s Path - and always have been? Try this question instead: “What are you called to IN THIS MOMENT?” What feels good for you to contribute, and to who? What knowledge or skills do you have to offer to someone else who may be in the same place you were at this time last year? What would bring you joy? What would you feel good taking a stand for?

Try this discovery process to hone in on what changes you would make to determine the path that resonates most with you In This Moment:

Play in possibility. Start a journal to use as a container for your inspirations. Journal on what does “fun” look like in your most amazing life? What would bring you joy, satisfaction, gratitude, inner peace? Explore your creativity and imagination. WHAT IF you are only limited by your own self?

Create a Timeline using writing and images. What major events or big impacts have happened in your life? What did you learn or take away from those events? What themes do you see? What patterns? This exercise will show you a story around things you’ve done, learned, enjoyed, not enjoyed. From this place of understanding, what would you want to improve? Learn? Do a better job at? Contribute to the world? What talents do you have that you had taken for granted before now? What are some ways to repackage them in order to add increased meaning to your life?

What is one small step you can take in the direction of your dreams? Take it now, and then the next one. Show yourself that your dreams matter! You have what it takes to make them come into being!

Get Unstuck, Discover Your Life Purpose and What to do with it. Book a FREE Life Transformation Alchemy call with me HERE.