Gratitude to our Ancestors

GRATITUDE to our Ancestors

Samhain - Halloween - is about honoring our beloved deceased, our ancestors, our past. It is about recognizing that there’s meant to be healthy cycles of movement through birth, growth, death, and rebirth. 

I have recently taken a foray into my past lives and ancestral lines to clear and release the remaining vestiges of the past - lack, poverty consciousness, hardship, sacrifice, starvation, and even painful or violent death so that my children may live better lives. And here I am now - a product of those ancestral sacrifices, with a roof over my head, financial independence, and a full fridge. THANK YOU, your hardships were not for naught Great Ancestors.

Too often we haven’t fully processed the grief, anger, resentment, shame, or unworthiness born out of events from our past and it holds us in a prison that places chains around our heart.

I’m a big fan of releasing what no longer serves us. This kind of release profoundly opens the space of possibility for something bigger and better to come through, and heals those spaces and places that continue to create pain in our experience.  These remnants from our past lurk like vampires in our psyche, suck out our creative juices, and can create blocks to our wellbeing.

The power of release is exemplified by one of my clients; a playwright with her creativity blocked because of her deep connection of her art to her father, recently deceased. When she embraced his continuing support from Beyond, she became open to creating new projects, and to seeking new outlets for her creative expertise.

I invite you to Let Go, to release the Ghosts of the Past so you may fly free, into the possibilities awaiting you in the mysterious Halloween night!

If you’d like to do your own Akashic Record clearing and releasing, sign up here!