Energy Healing will Change Your Life!

Release what no longer serves you

heal what is holding you back


Heal stuck trauma

When we are living our lives from a place of constantly re-living the trauma of our past, we are not able to move on, into a brighter future. This energy becomes a prison of our own making and often looks like distrust, fear, anger, guilt, or shame. It is possible to heal and release this energy and in doing so, open the door to a less burdened and more powerful life experience.

What to expect;

  • We will start with a short evaluation of what your current life looks and feels like and determine where this trauma energy is showing up in your current experiences

  • We will identify what your life without this energy could look and feel like

  • We will then heal, release, and re-install new energy so that you are able to move forward into a more positive and less burdened life experience


Release and Re-Pattern Limiting Beliefs

Very often our beliefs limit what we are able to see as our options in life. And worse, very often we are not even aware of their existence at play in our decisions and choices - many of these belief constructs may have even been passed down to us through our lineage! This keeps us “safe”, stuck in a pattern of limitation, and creates resistance to expanding into a new, more successful or abundant experience of life.

This program identifies these patterns, clears them, and replaces them with more empowering beliefs. This process opens you up to being able to consider more opportunities, and overcoming resistance to be able to take them!

What to Expect:

  • We will start with a short evaluation of where in your life you are currently experiencing patterns of limitation.

  • We will identify what your life without this pattern could look and feel like

  • We will then heal, release, and re-install new beliefs so that you are able to move forward into a more expansive life experience


Heal stuck trauma from your karmic inheritance

When we are living our lives from a place of unconsciously recreating the trauma of our past lives, we experience patterns of repeat behaviors and circumstances that we cannot seem to shift out of. These energetic complexes are stuck in our subconscious energy body and play on autopilot until we become aware of them and decide to shift and clear them. This package does exactly that so you can experience life in more abundant and fulfilling ways.

This report identifies past life karmic complexes that may be impeding your experience of joy and fulfillment in this lifetime. These stuck energies create repeating patterns in our lives that we can’t seem to break out of. This package includes the creation and delivery of your unique Karmic Inheritance Report, a coaching session to focus your intent, and a three session energy healing to clear and release the stuck energy of these persistent karmic complexes. This process opens you up to more opportunities to experience your life differently, and releases the former resistance created by the karmic complexes that had prevented you from being able to take them!

What to Expect:

  • 4 coaching and healing sessions and your unique Karmic Inheritance Report created and delivered to you

  • You will submit your information to my private form and I will create and deliver your unique Karmic Inheritance Report. We will schedule the Report Review Session.

  • In the Report Review Session, we will discuss what areas of your life you feel you are experiencing repeat patterns that are no longer serving you. With your permission, we will connect to your Akashic Record and identify the past life origin of this energy and begin the clearing process.

  • In the next three sessions, we will energetically clear the top three most present karmic complexes that are hindering your Soul Growth and expansion in this lifetime so that you can experience your life in more expansive and soul-nourishing ways.


open and expand your connection to your inner divine and intuition

Everyone has been born with intuitive abilities. They may lay dormant in many, are denied, feared, or go unrecognized. Your intuition is how your sub-conscious mind communicates with you, and is also how you are able to connect to your own Inner Divinity and Guides. By opening and expanding this channel to your own Divinity, you are also able to build your connection to the Divine and receive Guidance.

What to Expect:

  • We will start with a short exploration of your intuitive experiences and the beliefs that could prevent the flow of Divine connection

  • We will conduct a healing and opening of these energetic channels

  • We will discuss ways you are able to continue expanding the opening of this connection and use it as part of your daily decisions


Healing Intensive

Various energy healing modalities have been in practice for hundreds of years and are now becoming better understood by science in our modern age. Science has demonstrated the benefits of these practices and they are becoming more widely accepted for healing various health and emotional issues. In this Intensive, we will focus on the issue that requires healing to transmute and release the stuck energy.

What to Expect:

  • A 75-minute healing intensive call to conduct distance healing around a deep wound or stuck emotional energy.

  • In this call we will clear and release the stuck energy, transmuting it and healing the issues it had been causing.